The ability to add information to the Wallet version of (Grad/Stage) Pass such as our custom Honors designation or text/symbols. Not having the ability to do this creates a backup of students for honors-related regalia. e.g. medallions and cords are provided at the ceremony at our institution. Since a custom field is not currently displayable on the Wallet version, we cannot efficiently provide them the regallia without having to look each student up manually that does not have the full grad/stage pass (either by lists or scanning the grad pass using check-in) each time, even if they choose to use the Wallet feature (about 50%) of them do even when instructed not to.
If the Wallet feature was toggleable, then we could revert back to Grad/Stage Pass only which has the full version of their info on it which includes our custom honors designations.
Thank you,
Justin, UAkron