Graduate RSVP Summary on Graduate Home Page
Amy Pecsi
We would love a feature that would allow our graduates to see their assigned ceremony date/time, along with the response to their RSVP, after the RSVP period/form has closed. Despite confirmation emails that are sent after they RSVP (for both yes and no RSVP's!), we still get numerous inquiries every season after the RSVP period with grads asking "When is my ceremony? Did I RSVP? Did I say yes or no?" It would be helpful for them to be able to see what they need on a summary screen in the system! Many thanks for considering!
Brittni Kaetzel
Yes, this and that they RSVP but did not get their tickets. Despite it being spelled out for them as to what they need to do, there are still those who I have to add tickets for after the deadline has passed.